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The Sourdough's Cabin Canvas Art
  • The Sourdough's Cabin Canvas Art

    $2,099.00 Regular Price
    $1,574.25Sale Price

    by Evelyn Adams

    Valdez Alaska


    Back in the mountains of Alaska lies a sourdough cabin in the woods. Capped with snowy white drifts it can take you back to the gold rush days. In a day not too long ago, in this very state, lay hundreds of cabins such as these, each one possessing a story of a person, seeking out a new life. Some came here for gold; others came here for freedom. But in the end, if they stayed long enough, they were all called sourdoughs. This was a title earned by those who endured the harsh winters of the north. They would stake their claims from one end of the state to the other and then build them a place to stay warm. In a small cabin like the one you see here, they would live out their lives day to day. Casting all hardships aside, the land gripped the soul and would not let go. So here they would stay till their final day in a land of beauty and gold.  


    Print Size 20x50 

    Fine Art Photography Print on Satin Canvas

    Limited Prints

    Signature of Photographer




    20x50 handcrafted Satin Canvas 

    1.5 inch depth natural wrap around a wood frame

    Gallery & Museum Grade Canvas: Archival-certified and OBA

    Acid-free, Neutral PH, Scratch-resistant Laminate Protective Coating with NO Additives or Agents

    It will never crack, fade, warp or crease

    Poly-Cotton Blend Matte Canvas

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